
All Operators SHOULD be used with surrounding whitespace.

:: declares the type

The variable name on the LHS is declared to have the type on the RHS

e.g. name :: String

In attribute set contexts :: defines both the type of a and b as illustrated below.

def pair=λa.λb.λf.((f a) b)
{ "foo" = 1; }

typeOf { "foo" = 1; }
{ String :: Int; } # Example type conversion may not closely represent the type conversion done by a real type engine.

def first p​=λa.λb.a

first { String :: Int; }

def second p=λa.λb.b

second { String :: Int; }

() Parenthesis

Parenthesis to clarify order of type evaluation

e.g. ( a -> b ) | Bool

Precedence: (Highest)

; Separator for subsequent entries (like in AttrSet)

e.g. { foo :: Number; bar :: String }

Important: This is a required syntax rule! It terminates the type expression.

Currently this is very inconsistent in nixpkgs.

| syntactic or

syntactic Or can be used for composition or enums

Let T and U be different Types. Then the | operator evaluates to either T or U.

Sometimes within this paper | is written as {or}

This is only due to readability and not allowed in the real language

Precedence: 2

Triviality / special Cases

Any | a

Is always Any; Because any other type a must already be a subtype of any, due to the definition of Any.

b | Never

Is always b; Due to the definition of Never; b must be a supertype of Never.


Float | Int

( Number | Bool ) | Int

{ opt :: Int | String }

# lets say we want to create a type which can represent the type of both 'foo' and 'bar'
      FooBar = Int | String

      foo :: FooBar
  foo = 1;
      bar :: FooBar
  bar = "baz";

  # ....

& conjunction operator


Triviality / special Cases

Any & a

Is always a

b & Never

Is always Never

... - arbitrary input values

can only be used within an AttrSet to allow Any more name-value pairs.

... = ${rest} :: a within an AttrSet context


  Type: foo :: { bar :: a, ...} -> a
Foo = {bar, ...}@inp:

Precedence: None

// merge operator

syntactically merges Types of AttrSets

{ foo :: String } // { bar :: Number } => { foo :: String; bar :: Number }

{ foo :: String } // { ${names} :: a } => { foo :: String; ${names} :: a }

Overwrites occur like in the nix language itself

{ foo :: String } // { foo :: Number } => { foo :: Number }

Precedence: 3

-> arrow operator

Allows for lambda types

Precedence: 1

? optional arguments in an AttrSet

--e.g. { opt :: Int ? }

Note: The very end of type side contains the ? operator.

The reason for this is extendability. Initially the ?-Operator is introduced as Unary-operator, marking the entry type as optional. In future it will be desirable to use the ? as binary-operator to add default values on optional entries.


  foo :: Int ? 1;

Precedence: None


Precedence is just taken from the official nix operators. To make usage as intuitive as possible. However the type language only uses a tight subset of the operator available in nix.

-> see grammar